Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Easter Weekend.

Lauren was dancing at a local Wedding this weekend. I was very proud and she performed brilliantly. Well Done. It was not our local piper but she made sure she gave him instructions about how to do it!!! It was also very strange to meet Duncan who performed our Humanist Ceremony at our own Wedding all those months ago. Lovely to meet up again.

Sunshine at the Stables

A few wee photos from our weekend at the Yard. The girls decided Snaffles needed a bath, he looked lovely until he made it back to the field and rolled.!!!

Wednesday, 20 April 2011


Hello All,

I wanted to create this Blog to allow us to keep in touch with everyone after we move. I thought I would set it up before we go to share our thoughts and photos prior to leaving so that I am familar with using it and ready to begin at the other end.
We now have 14 and half weeks to the big move, all going to plan. Mike is already there and having a ball. I am getting regular emails back to the UK with loads of photos.
The girls are very excited and enjoying the sunshine here, making the most of things.
Over the next few days I will upload some photos of our adventures here.
